Download .MOV Sample Files

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What is a MOV File?

MOV is perhaps the most common video file format since it supports high-definition quality videos. It is saved in the QuickTime File Format (QTFF) which was introduced by Apple in 1992 with cross-platform sharing compatibility in perspective. A .MOV file usually stores short videos, movies, or TV shows, but is not limited to these. It can also store other information, such as 3D models, images, timecode data, subtitles, etc.

It is noteworthy that the MP4 file format also stores high-quality video content, but the MOV formatting has superiority over it, which is why a .MOV file may be larger in size than a .MP4 file.

Download MOV Sample Files

Download .MOV sample files that are available in different resolutions as well as with and without audio content by clicking on the download button below.