Download .HDR Sample Files

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What is HDR File?

A High Dynamic Range (HDR) file can either be a digital photo or a raster image file. It can be used to enhance the colors and brightness of an image through image-editing software. Images are not usually saved in HDR, but only used to edit them using software, and then change their type, such as .TIFF.

Geographic Information System (GIS) files that contain information on the format and layout of an ESRI BIL file (.BIL) are called ESRI BIL Header files, which are also saved using the .HDR file extension. However, the information stored in these files is in ASCII format.

Download HDR Sample Files

You can download and test an HDR file from below where we have provided files of different sizes. You can choose the one best suited for your needs or test them all out by increasing the size of the HDR file gradually.